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SPASA Australia and the MPBAA agree to a combined Melbourne expo

October 5th, 2022

The Master Pool Builders Association Australia (MPBAA) and the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia (SPASA) have announced that the February 2023 Melbourne Pool and Spa Show will be presented by both SPASA and MPBAA.

MPBAA and SPASA acknowledge the positive impact one summer show would make to the members, the community, and the industry at large. The Melbourne Pool & Spa Show will run from February 3 to February 5, 2023, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

With a joint commitment to delivering a professional and sophisticated pool and spa show, both organisations have said they are thrilled at the development.

A joint position from the CEOs, Chris Samartzis and Lindsay McGrath stated:

“We have listened to members and exhibitors and in the interests of all both associations have come together for the greater good.”

The show is expected to contain everything traditionally associated with the dynamic and successful summer show, with a huge range of pool and spa offerings along with backyard inspiration.

The associations have signed a three-year agreement to work together on the Melbourne summer show to provide long-term stability and consistency for exhibitors.

An event prospectus will be available in early October 2022 for exhibitors to contact their association representatives.

The Melbourne Pool & Spa Show has a history going back 40 years, and is billed as the largest consumer pool and spa show in the southern hemisphere.

Lindsay McGrath, CEO of SPASA Australia, says that it is a common sense decision for the benefit of exhibitors, members and the public.

“Having a combined summer show enables members to participate in a single expo to reach prospective purchasers in Victoria, saving considerable resources and expense – while allowing the public to find everything they need under the one roof.”

Chris Samartzis, CEO of MPBAA, says: “We are thrilled to see both Master Pool Builders Australia and SPASA Australia come together in the interests of all in the industry to produce one summer show in Melbourne on February 3rd to 5th, 2023.

“For over 40 years the Melbourne Pool & Spa Show has become synonymous with the backyard aspirations of Victorians. The largest consumer pool and spa show in the Southern Hemisphere, it has been providing Victorians with extraordinary consumer experiences,” he says.

“The Melbourne Pool & Spa Show is the iconic event in summer that is held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, and 2023 promises to be the biggest and best yet.”

For more information: www.spasa.com.au; www.mpbaa.com.au

IMAGE: The 2022 pool and spa consumer show held at the Melbourne Showgrounds 

By Chris Maher
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