SPASA Australia calling for input on fencing standard changes

The standard controlling fencing and other barriers around swimming pools, AS 1926.1, is being revised and SPASA Australia wants members of the industry to take an active interest in this important standard.
AS1926.1 Swimming Pool Safety, Part 1: Safety Barriers for Swimming Pools is currently being reviewed by the CS-034 Committee.
SPASA has looked into the potential changes and is putting recommendations to its members for feedback via a series of seminars and other opportunities. Currently seminars have been held in New South Wales, the ACT, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland.
Providing input
SPASA Australia COO Spiros Dassakis says there will be plenty of opportunity to comment.
“This is an initial information grab from our members to get a feel on how they view potential changes to the standard,” he says.
“There will be at least two public consultation periods associated with the standard, and in addition to this there will be a preliminary impact assessment (or PIA) to provide the rationale for a number of the proposals, background, history and options for the consulted parties including the various stakeholders.”
He says SPASA members will have unprecedented ability to participate and will be informed when the public consultations are ready, at which time they’ll be able to download the draft standard for free.
SPASA is also asking for industry members to have a look at the proposed changes and see what financial and other impacts each one will have on their business and the industry in general.
“It’s difficult for people to put a dollar value next to a potential change,” says Dassakis. “But industry in my view invariably understands what is likely to be of benefit and what will become an impost, because they understand their customer base and some of the costs and benefits associated with the changes.”
Being heard
He stresses that when the regulators ask the industry for its opinion, it’s important to provide it, and that if individuals only have an interest in a certain element of the standard, then they should at least comment on that element.
“Or they should engage with SPASA Australia so we can consider and put forward their views.”
He says the committee is trying to achieve a more articulate standard and remove where possible ambiguities where multiple interpretations may be possible. Also, new technologies and innovations will be considered by the committee.
“Industry should stand up and take note that while there may be some very good outcomes for industry, we also may be faced with some compliance challenges with some proposals being considered.”
SPASA Australia’s AS1926.1 Technical Committee representatives includes Spiros Dassakis, Cal Stanley (Chairman), Stefan Ossenberg (Protector Aluminium), Gary Kilworth (Out From the Blue), David Vogelzang (PoolCert), Garth Jackson (Triton Pool & Spa Inspections), Simon Boadle (Sunbather), Adrian Swain (Eco Design), David Klinck (Aquatic Leisure Technologies) and John Flanagan (WA Pool Fencing).

Questions should be directed to:
Cal Stanley
Mob: 0418 907 323
Spiros Dassakis
Mob: 0449 065 841