SPASA SA to wind-up and merge operations with SPASA Australia

Following a "lively and robust" general meeting, the SPASA South Australia members voted to wind up the state based association and merge with the national body, SPASA Australia.
The committee recommended proceeding with the transition of the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of South Australia Inc. (SPASA SA) into SPASA Australia as a single-entity national body at the special general meeting held on the March 8, 2017.
SPASA SA president Lorenzo Peressin says it is exciting that all South Australian members will be able to benefit from a national training network and a stronger national advocacy framework.
SPASA SA executive officer Suzie Kent says they are extremely pleased with the outcome and look forward to the next chapter.
"SPASA Australia is now able to formalise state operations in NSW/ACT, Queensland and South Australia and members will now become direct members of SPASA Australia.”
Unanimous vote
In the end the vote was carried unanimously in favour of the special resolutions that proposed: SPASA SA be voluntarily wound up and the surplus assets be transferred to SPASA Australia; and that Suzie Kent be nominated to make application with the Corporate Affairs Commission for de-registration of SPASA SA.
In November SPASA Queensland voted to merge with SPASA Australia, as did SPASA NSW/ACT in October. Both those organisations merged their operations with SPASA Australia on January 1st 2017.