SPASA WA calls in police to investigate financial discrepancies

The Swimming Pool and Spa Association of WA (SPASA WA) has asked WA Police to investigate a number of alleged discrepancies in its financial records dating back over a period of almost seven years from 2014.
Executive officer Sadie Davidson, who has been in the role since April 2021, says the decision to seek police assistance followed a detailed internal investigation undertaken with the support of a forensic accountant and legal advice.
“The picture which appears to be emerging is extremely concerning, however, I can assure all members that the association is in a very strong position – financially and operationally – and we continue to work very hard on their behalf.”
SPASA WA, which has about 220 members, has already tightened its governance arrangements including the introduction of a new finance sub-committee to review all financials each month, a new human resources policies including a new policy relating to the use of credit cards, and a whistle-blower policy.
Davidson says that SPASA WA would not be making further comment at this time and hoped the police investigation would bring a speedy resolution to the matter.
SPASA WA has called for any members who have evidence that may assist the WA Police to come forward with their information.
It should be noted that SPASA WA is a separate and independent entity to SPASA Australia.
SPASA Australia CEO Lindsay McGrath offered SPASA Australia’s support to SPASA WA and its members in this difficult time.