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Swimming stroke development DVD

March 14th, 2012
Splash Magazine

Swim Australia has launched two new DVDs to help develop correct swimming stokes in youngsters.

The wealth of knowledge and experience of Jan King is now available on DVD. The first two DVDs in this new series are Freestyle and Backstroke. Breaststroke and Butterfly have been shot and are currently being edited for release.

The DVDs cover:

• Body Position

• Stroke Development Drills

• Kicking Drills

• Breath Timing

• Pull and Kick Timing

• Arm Recovery Drills

• Turns and Finishes

King says that as a swimming teacher and coach she searched for ways to develop effective stroke technique. Laurie Lawrence, Bill Sweetenham, John Trembley (University of Tennessee) and Bill Boomer (USA), were important influences in the development of her skills.

She studied major meets such as Commonwealth, World and Olympic swimming over the years to examine how swimmers start, turn and finish and analysed the many different ways the strokes are swum. Other sources of inspiration were numerous swimming magazines, including ASCTA’s Swimming in Australia.

She has developed this freestyle program for young swimmers with a view to providing them with a life skill. Her second goal was to develop a swimmer who could move into the competitive area of swimming with ease.

The DVDs are available from Swim Australia. Go to www.swimaustralia.org.au to purchase them or call (07) 3376 0933.

The giveaway copy of the DVD has been won by John Hamilton (NSW)

By Chris Maher
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