Tender for Cootamundra Aquatic Centre

Cootamundra Shire Council has put out a tender to construct stage one of the new Cootamundra Aquatic Centre.
The details are -
Project: Construction of the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre - Stage 1
Closing Date: March 3, 2011
Tender To: Cootamundra Shire Council
Tenders are invited and will be received up until 3:00pm, Thursday 3rd March, 2011 for the construction of the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre - Stage 1.
Specification documents and a CD may be obtained by contacting Janelle Chapman (02) 6940 2100 or e-mail jchapman@cootamundra.nsw.gov.au.
For further information or to discuss any aspect of Councils requirements please contact Councils Manager of Facilities and Services Mr Greg Ewings on (02) 6940 2100.
For more information on Cordell Information’s commercial tender reports, call 1800 674 120.