Win a skin cancer early detection tool

It turns out that 81 per cent of Australians are worried about at least one mole on their skin, yet haven’t had their skin checked by a doctor in the past 12 months.
This startling new research released by Skin Patrol, Australia’s leading mobile medical practice, suggests we have a “head in the sand” approach to skin spots monitoring. A new in-home early detection skin cancer tool has been developed to help Australians identify those skin spots that should be checked by a professional. It could literally be a lifesaver. And of course, lifesavers, pool builders and others who spend long hours in the sun are at greater risk than most other Australians.
Many Australians simply don’t know how to perform a self-check. Whilst the ABCDE method is considered clinical best practice, many people either aren’t aware of it, or find it confusing. The new Skin Cancer Early Detection Tool simplifies the ABCDE method into five easy to answer Yes/No questions. It takes the guesswork out of self-checking and can put your mind at ease.
Tabs in the tool allow the user to check for the most common characteristics of melanoma; Asymmetry, Border regularity, Colour, Diameter and Evolution. Each tab offers an easy to use aid such as a magnifying window, diameter measurer or colour chart. It couldn’t be easier.
Skin Patrol has checked the skin of more than 100,000 patients in the past ten years. “This tool can relieve the anxiety that stops people getting a skin check and help save many lives,” says Sam Holt, Skin Patrol founder and creator of this new tool. “Right now thousands of Australians are unaware they are living with melanoma. We want to help people check their skin regularly and properly.”
The Skin Patrol Early Detection Tool is available at for $20, or use the code “savealife” for a 25 per cent discount for two or more (+P&H).
SPLASH! has three detection tools to give away. Go to the SPLASH! magazine Facebook page and click on the Giveway tab in the left hand column. Be sure to like the SPLASH! Facebook page and share the post while you're there.
The winner of the previous give away was Amanda Cottrill.