Young swim free but now adults pay in Auckland

Some Auckland pools which have had free swimming for everyone will now charge for adults, while all Auckland Council-owned pools will now be free for Aucklanders aged 16 and under.
"Swimming and spending summer at the beach is part of our lifestyle, so it’s important for Aucklanders to have water-safety skills,” says Mayor Len Brown.
“Free access to public pools is one way of giving our young people these skills, as well as an opportunity to take part in enjoyable physical activity.”
Approximately 400,000 children will benefit from the program, which aims to give them confidence in the water, especially in areas such as West Auckland where beaches can be dangerous.
Young people aged 16 and under will have free general admission to pools during operating hours. Charges will still apply for all additional facilities including spas, saunas, steam rooms, special play equipment, diving boards and hydroslides, and educational and exercise programs.
All adults aged 17 and over will be charged to access council-owned pools, including some pools in the former Manukau City Council area where entry has been free until now.
However, three pools in South Auckland will remain free to all, with the extra costs to be met by the local boards from their own funds. Total estimates of additional expenditure for these councils range up to nearly $NZ1 million. The fully subsidised pools are: Papatoetoe Centennial Pool, Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa and Otara Leisure Centre.
The free swimming for children policy had been planned since Auckland became a “supercity” of amalgamated council areas in 2010.