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New constitution the latest leap forward for SPASA Australia

July 26th, 2016

SPASA AustraliaOn July 22, the board of SPASA Australia voted unanimously to adopt a new national constitution, paving the way for a single entity and direct membership.

The current five-member board comprises founding members SPASAs Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia; and a retail sector representative. SPASA Victoria resigned as a founding member earlier in the month.

Under the new constitution, the board will comprise up to 10 members: one for each of the five geographic regions of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia; plus one for each of three key sectors – builders, suppliers and retail/service. Additionally, up to four professionals can be appointed to make up a maximum total of 10 board members.

SPASA Australia CEO Lindsay McGrath says the aim of this structure is to ensure diversity on the board.

SPASA Australia president Lynley Papineau says the approval of the constitution marks an exciting new beginning for SPASA Australia.

“We are now able to execute our plan to merge like-minded states into OneSPASA, enabling our association to deliver improved national member benefits while ensuring continued local state delivery and representation,” she says.

Three states to begin merging now, WA holding fire

SPASAs New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia will now begin the transitional process of merging into SPASA Australia. SPASA Western Australia is holding fire for the moment before deciding whether to fully merge. It will continue to support and work with SPASA Australia during an agreed two-year period, and prior to the completion of the agreement, SPASA Western Australia members will vote on whether to formally merge into SPASA Australia.

SPASA WA president Ernie Bevilaqua has released a statement saying the SPASA WA committee has agreed to participate as an ongoing member of SPASA Australia for a period of two years commencing on the 1st January 2017 and that SPASA WA members will have a say on their association's future direction and whether to formally merge into SPASA Australia.

"The membership will include a financial contribution to assist SPASA Australia establish an effective national association that will be dedicated to maintaining and improving the standards and growth within the swimming pool and spa industry for the betterment of members, consumers and the industry in general," he says.

"SPASA WA has secured a Board position as a regional representative and will continue with an active involvement into the strategic direction of the national body.

"The SPASA WA Committee needed to ensure the ongoing availability of the Completion Guarantee Trust for pool builders and provide local members with protection over the assets during the transitional period of SPASA Australia and as such will continue to manage all of the state operations independently."

He says that as a founding member of SPASA Australia, SPASA WA voted in favour of the new SPASA Australia constitution at the Special General Meeting on 22nd July which allows for states to merge into a single entity and for direct membership, and that other states will now begin the process of merging into the national association.

Towards a more unified and strategic industry

McGrath says the approval of the constitution reflects the members’ desire for a new beginning for SPASA Australia to represent all industry sectors and regions, to actively work on the promotion of the industry and to be a leading and influential national association.

“We encourage all industry stakeholders to embrace this change and work with SPASA Australia towards being a more unified and strategic industry.”

He says this turning point would not have been possible without the deducation of the various state and national board members.

“The voluntary support has been relentless alongside the hard working SPASA state leaders and staff,” he says.

“This is an invigorating time to be in the swimming pool and spa industry.”

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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