SPASA Queensland votes to wind up and merge with SPASA Australia

At a Special General Meeting on 23rd November, SPASA Queensland members (in attendance and by proxy) voted unanimously to wind-up SPASA Queensland and to transfer surplus assets to SPASA Australia.
These resolutions give effect to the decisions taken at the 2014 Annual General Meeting where members resolved to de-incorporate by 1st of January 2017 and merge operations with SPASA Australia.
Information had been supplied to members with the meeting notice detailing the background to the motions on notice and noting the Governing Council and Management Committee recommended the special resolutions be considered, and if thought fit, passed by members.
The formal process of closing the SPASA Queensland office and merging operations with SPASA Australia will now continue. Queensland members will be invited to continue their involvement as members of SPASA Australia Ltd.
Meanwhile, due to the imminent office closure, a range of items are available for sale. To view the list, go to
All goods will be sold “as is” to the highest bidder as at midday Friday 2nd December. Payment is required (cheque, credit card or cash) at time of collection – no later than 4.00pm Friday 9th December. It is the purchaser's responsibility to organise for items to be dismantled, if required, and for transportation.
The following are items available for sale.
• Photocopier
• Office Desks
• Filing Cabinets
• Meeting Tables & Chairs
• Board Room Credenza
• Office Work Bench
• Office Storage